27/09/2023 - News COPA-DATA establishes team for Sustainability Solutions

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The Net Zero goal is the focus of many zenon customers. COPA-DATA wants to support all companies working on this goal even more comprehensively and is reorganizing its F&B Industry Team: Welcome Team Sustainability Solutions and Food & Beverage!

Net Zero, the goal of sustainably balancing greenhouse gas emissions with the planet's absorption capacity, is still a long way off. But many companies are working hard toward it and investing extensively. The journey is broken down into sub-targets at the production level, and the aim is to get a handle on emission sources owned by the company (Scope 1) and purchased emission sources for energy and heat supply (Scope 2). Likewise, indirect emission sources from the upstream or downstream supply or recycling chain (Scope 3) are increasingly coming into the focus of sustainability managers' attention.

A strategic decision

To ensure that the sustainability managers of our customers, regardless of their industry, have competent contacts for the implementation of their goals in the future, the management of COPA-DATA together with the Food and Beverage Industry Management Team decided to expand their areas of responsibility. "The step from the F&B Team to the Sustainability Solutions and Food & Beverage Team was logical and straightforward, because the team has already been working very hard on sustainability issues with the zenon software platform for years. With the new direction, it is expanding its focus to other industries as well. This is surprisingly easy for the team, despite the higher complexity, and absolutely meets the interdisciplinary approach to this challenge," explains Phillip Werr, CMO and COO at COPA-DATA. The industry-specific solutions for the food and beverage sector are being further developed in parallel.

COPA-DATA sees itself also in the responsibility to provide for more sustainability in its business environment and to align the zenon software platform even more strongly to the achievement of the sustainability goals of its customers.

Net Zero as the core goal of many industries

Emilian Axinia has been representing the food and beverage industry at COPA-DATA for many years. With his background in this industry and his thirst for knowledge of new things, he has spent the last few years developing into a sustainability expert, inspired by many customer projects and further training. "It is exciting to see how companies in our industry, as well as other industries, are pursuing the Net Zero goal. Many are now realizing the added value and potential of a software platform like zenon. Projects that started small are now becoming important pillars for improvements in efficiency and emissions reduction. New job profiles with influence in the companies are created. Manufacturing companies are taking their ownership and we are ready to deliver helpful technology, concepts and solutions," says Emilian Axinia, Director Industry Management Sustainability Solutions and F&B. 


Team Sustainability Solutions and Food & Beverage from left to right: Alexander Fröhlich, Andreas Grün, Emilian Axinia and Philipp zur Strassen

One team for many solutions

Together with his team of Industry Experts, including Alexander Fröhlich for many years as well as Andreas Grün and now new to the team Philipp zur Strassen, Emilian Axinia develops solution applications with the zenon software platform for the implementation of the sustainability goals of COPA-DATA customers across all key industries. As Industry Management, the team operates amidst customer inquiries and consultations, zenon product development, customer service, and sales and marketing. "Digitalization and agile innovation are accelerators for Net Zero approaches. We see this in our core industry F&B and can transfer this to other industries with zenon. Making processes more efficient as well as clever and scalable energy data management are absolutely necessary in times like these. And with zenon, the implementation of renewables and battery storage for self-use is also successful," says Axinia.

More about zenon as an energy data management system can be found here.

The latest example of more sustainability through zenon at Carlsberg Serbia can be found here.

The next major event for the newly formed Sustainability Solutions and Food & Beverage team will be BrauBeviale 2023. In Hall 7, Booth 421, the many solutions with the zenon software platform can be viewed in more detail - both special brewery applications as well as comprehensive sustainability solutions, for example, for energy recording and control of the entire plant.


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