zenon Dashboard Service

Visualize data and events easily with the zenon Dashboard Service
The zenon Dashboard Service offers an intuitive way to visualize data from the zenon software platform on the web. Create individual dashboards based on predefined widgets directly in the browser using drag and drop. Even without in depth knowledge of project and system architecture, you have direct access to approved data points, alarms and events. With the Dashboard Service as part of zenon IIoT Services, your data is easily and securely accessible both inside and outside your OT environment.
Dashboards are an easy way to monitor your production and keep an eye on all important key figures, such as KPIs or performance metrics – all clearly and individually adapted to your needs. Each dashboard tells a story through visualizations by combining cross-project data from the zenon software platform and providing a unified view of the data. This makes your zenon dashboards important tools for clearly presenting data and enabling better, more informed, data-driven decisions.
All the essentials at a glance
- IoT monitoring: create intuitive dashboards which synthesize information from all your connected devices.
- Remote monitoring: use dashboards to easily monitor geographically distributed sites, e.g. wind power and photovoltaic plants or telecommunication stations.
Andon boards: Andon boards are visual control systems in production areas that display the status of one or more production systems. The Dashboard Service can provide dashboards for unattended stations, such as an Andon Board. Here, for example, a smart TV is sufficient to call up the desired dashboard. Optionally, dashboards can also be switched automatically on a cyclical basis.
Bridging the gap: Dashboards offer an easy way to make production data accessible in other areas of the company. Easily extend capabilities for the monitoring of KPIs or monitoring a production process. For example, employees in quality assurance can check production data or lot numbers and gain an overview. In addition, trends can be analyzed or reports created – even when the machines are offline.
Dashboards on the go: View the most important KPIs on the go or when on call? No problem with the Dashboard Service. Dashboards are fully responsive and can also be displayed on mobile devices without any extra configuration being required. Ideal, for example, for monitoring your utilities on site.
Key facts
- Available in the web browser without installation
- Use dashboards directly on mobile devices without extra work
- Simple dashboard creation with the help of predefined widgets:
- Value display (single and multiple)
- Bar graph
- Table (variable values, alarms, events, historical data)
- Trend
- Gauge
- Sparkline
- Website
- Automatic switching of dashboards (e.g. for Andon boards)
- Complete integration with the zenon software platform, as well as being downward compatible:
- IIoT Services from version 14.1
- Service Engine from version 10.0
- Engineering Studio from version 14 (Service Engine files can be created up to and including version 6.20SP4)
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