Redundancy and Secure Data Flow

Redundancy and Secure Data Flow

A server failure can become very expensive: downtime, data loss, and gaps in documentation required by law cause a lot of stress and involve high costs. Redundant systems guard against this and ensure continuous production should the worst happen. With zenon, you won't even notice the problem – nothing will be lost and production will continue to run seamlessly. And all with low hardware costs.



  • Data security and consistent data flow thanks to intelligent redundancy modes
  • Failure safety
  • Cost savings because less hardware is required


The seamless redundancy in zenon guarantees interruption-free data recording, thus preventing data loss even in the time between a server outage and switchover to the standby server.

As per the circular redundancy concept, the server of project A is also the standby server for project B and client for project C, thus reducing costs as well as the risk of outages in the network.

Data consistency and security

The redundancy concept from zenon primarily provides you with two advantages: it makes sure that operation continues perfectly without downtime, even in the event of a server failure. What's more, zenon ensures that no data is lost. zenon's seamless redundancy maintains the flow of data, even when switching between the server and standby server. The security and consistency of data is therefore guaranteed.

Seamless redundancy and circular redundancy

zenon combines seamless redundancy and circular redundancy to form a highly fail-safe system. In the event of a server failure, seamless redundancy transfers all tasks and data to a standby server. This records all historical data in parallel while production is underway, ensuring that in the time between the server failure and switch to the standby server no data is lost.

With its “rated redundancy”, zenon enables a particularly intelligent redundancy mode to be achieved. This involves analyzing and rating the quality of the data flow. If defined criteria are not adhered to, a standby server that can ensure a higher data quality will take over straight away.

If several projects are running in parallel or in a network, you can implement highly secure and extensive circular redundancy with just a small amount of hardware. zenon can manage several projects at once on one Service Engine computer. With circular redundancy, the server of project A is simply also used as the standby for project B and the client for project C. This enables you to significantly reduce the failure risk for multiple projects as well as keep costs manageable.


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