Sophisticated Alarm Administration

Sophisticated Alarm Administration | COPA-DATA

Production systems cannot be efficient or successful without effective alarm administration. However, managing alarm administration systems is often complex and tends to take up a lot of time. Configuring and fine-tuning them requires experience and professional tools. Without these things, problems such as alarm floods caused by oscillating values, repeat work by various departments, or poor coordination can creep in. zenon's alarm administration enables the delivery of clear information and effective warnings.

  • Reduction of engineering time and costs
  • Simple maintenance
  • Effective alarm administration, even for the most complex requirements
  • Out-of-the-box alarm administration that can be adjusted to your needs


The individual specification of thresholds prevents an alarm flood in the event of oscillating values.

Defining individual delay periods means that alarms aren’t generated until the limit value is broken for a certain period of time (x) (figure on the left). If the value falls back below the limit value before the delay period has expired, no alarm is generated (figure on the right).

Effective alarm configuration

In order to apply clear, functional, and user-friendly alarm administration in zenon, you can simply use the pre-prepared screen types, functions, and properties that can be configured at the touch of a button. This allows you to define, for example, how limit violations should be displayed, who should be automatically informed, and which reports should contain information on this issue. Thanks to the simple engineering, you can save time, minimize the potential for errors, and cut costs.

Setting up alarm administration with zenon

zenon’s object-oriented approach helps to make sure that alarm configuration can take place in just a few minutes – even on large-scale projects. You define the limit values at a central location, using the variable or data type directly. Using your own thresholds helps to stop an unnecessary flood of alarms caused by oscillating values. And for larger-scale projects, you can use the assortment of options offered by the Reaction Matrix to define global alarm conditions and then reapply them for several different variables. Even zenon Runtime users are able to adjust thresholds. Any changes are then recorded in the Chronological Event List.

The logical classification of alarms into classes, groups, and areas helps you to maintain a clear overview. When it comes to displaying and filtering alarms in the Alarm Message List, you can access our pre-prepared views at the touch of a button. Various filter settings make it easier for you to adjust the alarm administration concept to your specific needs. If you wish to import changes to limit values while production is underway, you can use the simple Remote Transport function to transfer values and the Hot Reload function to adopt new ones without stopping your system.


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