Austria, Food & Beverage Ergonomically monitored and efficiently controlled flour production at GoodMills (Austria)
Discover moreAt two sites, control systems based on the HMI/SCADA software zenon from COPA-DATA ensure ergonomics, robustness and energy efficiency in operation.
Germany, Food & Beverage Adelholzener Alpenquellen: Identify perspectives, exploit potential (Germany)
Discover moreWith the zenon Product Family, Adelholzener Alpenquellen is able to handle all tasks in production monitoring and supervision, in the management of consumption, in building services and in water supply and disposal.
Poland, General Automation Increased efficiency in the palletizing process at Górażdże Cement (Poland)
Discover moreTo improve overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), Gόrażdże Cement implemented COPA-DATA’s zenon software and has now seen its costs reduce as much as to 20%.
Switzerland, Energy & Infrastructure, Sustainability Azienda Municipalizzate Bellinzona secures power supply (Switzerland)
Discover moreFor nearly 150 years, the public utility AMB has supplied Bellinzona, the capital of Ticino, with its power and communication. It was time to update the technology and to adapt it to current requirements and standards.
Austria, Energy & Infrastructure, Sustainability Leibnitzerfeld Wasserversorgung (LFWV) ensures water supply for 80,000 people with zenon (Austria)
Discover moreLFWS recently switched its control systems to the zenon SCADA software to improve the efficiency and flexibility of its operations, as well as comprehensive maintenance of equipment and its pipeline network, in order to ensure a seamless supply of drinking water of the highest quality.
Austria, General Automation, Sustainability, Building Automation Showcase project for smart building automation at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (Austria)
Discover moreIn a project carried out by the University's students and its cooperation partner COPA-DATA, the HMI/SCADA software zenon is used to make the University building smarter and, in addition, to gain data for research projects.