Visualization & Control Combining GIS and SCADA with zenon
Discover moreControl rooms gain a better overview with the combination of geoinformation systems (GIS) and the process data from SCADA systems.
Connectivity zenon with ICCP
Discover moreFor connection with a higher-level system, zenon offers an ICCP interface in accordance with IEC 60870-6/TASE.2.
Visualization & Control Industrial Maintenance Manager (IMM)
Discover moreThe Industrial Maintenance Manager helps users keeping an overview and scheduling maintenance cycles.
Analytics & Reporting, Integrating IT/OT zenon Dashboard Service
Discover moreCreate individual dashboards based on predefined widgets directly in the browser using drag and drop.
Integrating IT/OT zenon IIoT Services
Discover moreOut-of-the-box and with no added implementation expense, it enables secure data exchange between web services and cloud services.
Application Engineering & Maintenance zenon Network
Discover morezenon monitors all network conditions to guarantee effective performance and provide reliable protection against unwanted data loss.