South Africa, Energy & Infrastructure, Network Control, Substation Automation Gert Sibande District Municipality minimizes power losses
Discover moreGert Sibande District Municipality partners with Enpower Machite to upgrade its electricity network with COPA-DATA's zenon, reducing power losses and improving reliability for residents and businesses.
Italy, General Automation, Process Control De Martini: Efficient production of capillary flow-control filters
Discover moreThis leading Italian company with sustainability at its heart has chosen the zenon software platform by COPA-DATA for the supervision of its production lines.
Saudi Arabia, General Automation, Process Control Saudi Aramco extracts treasures hidden beneath the desert
Discover moreUtilizing the zenon software platform, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) implemented a power management system (PMS) and power system automation (PSA).
Bahrain, Energy & Infrastructure SEOMD: Maintaining the source of all life (Bahrain)
Discover moreCOPA-DATA Partner Zayika Technical Services WLL (Z-Tech) used the zenon software platform to implement a control and monitoring system for the grid’s pumping stations in less than three months. The resulting solution greatly improved the supply system’s performance and reliability.
Poland, Energy & Infrastructure, Sustainability Next generation of solutions for wastewater treatment plants (Poland)
Discover moreThe technological solutions developed by Marex Technology's engineers are all based on the zenon software platform.
Serbia, Energy & Infrastructure, Sustainability Fresh ideas and modern standards power Novi Sad’s water supply (Serbia)
Discover moreInnovation flows through the city: water supply with zenon. As a modern city that is constantly growing and developing, Novi Sad must adapt to meet the challenges and needs of contemporary urban life.